Welcome to Unity In The Community
The David Livingstone Trust (DLT) and Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health (LAMH) are delighted to be working together to support the Third Sector in Blantyre, Larkhall and Hamilton via the Locality Network by facilitating and organising network events for all interested organisations.
This is your opportunity to share what your organisation is doing and what the needs of the area might be. Come and share your great work and goals for the future and have your say on how to build a great locality.
Next Event
Due to a clash with another meeting in September we have been asked to change the date of our next networking session to October.
Previous meeting agendas and slides are available in our Portal.
Please confirm your attendance using the link below if you have not registered (free to attendee).
To learn more about our activities and join our community please register for our newsletter.